Monday, April 11, 2011

Facebook China? What Would The U.S. Say About It?


Facebook as the rest of the world knows it is still blocked in China, but with Baidu’s help, Mark Zuckerberg may be bringing Chinese users a government-approved version. Before Facebook China records its first status update, though, we will hear first from the authorities — not only in China, but also in the U.S.

The Web portal reported today, citing Baidu sources, that Facebook and the Chinese search giant have agreed to launch a Chinese social networking service that would stand alone from the worldwide service (the companies aren’t confirming this yet, and’s original report was taken down). The report follows up on respected China tech expert Hu Yanping’s tweet on Sina Weibo on Friday that Facebook has signed such a deal with a Chinese Internet company, and Baidu makes sense because it has so far, like Google in most other places, failed to gain traction in social media.

What happens now? For a while yet, nothing, beyond some brow-furrowing in China and perhaps some grandstanding in the U.S. If there is a deal, it must still make it over some imposing regulatory hurdles in China, and it will attract some attention from Capitol Hill. A lot has happened since Zuckerberg’s diplomatic mission to China in December, when he visited with most of the heads of China’s biggest Internet and mobile companies, including billionaire Robin Li’s Baidu, billionaire Jack Ma’s Alibaba Group, Sina Corp. and China Mobile.

I said back then that this “vacation” of his was laying the groundwork for an eventual deal to get Facebook into China somehow, and I believed Zuckerberg would inevitably succeed. I still think that, because he is fully committed to make the kinds of concessions to do business in China that did not come so easily for Google.

Still, Zuckerberg has his work cut out for him on both sides of the Pacific. This year the environment for the world’s most influential social networking service, already difficult in China, has become even more so. With protestors in the Middle East openly thanking Facebook and Zuckerberg for their help, and with calls for a Jasmine Revolution in China spurring an extremely harsh crackdown on lawyers and activists, Chinese authorities will be wary about welcoming a Facebook China. The imprimatur of Baidu, the trusted anti-Google, would help, but would not guarantee success. Beijing’s distrust of the foreign Internet should not be underestimated, as China tech blogger Bill Bishop notes:

Writing in the Party journal Seeking Truth in December 2009, Meng Jianzhu, the Minister of Public Security, wrote: “The internet has become a primary method for the anti-China forces to infiltrate us and amplify destructive energy. This provides new challenges in maintaining state security and social stability.” Censorship of foreign content has shifted from news sites to Web 2.0 services with superior communication and organizing functions, such as Twitter and Facebook, which the government accuses of becoming a rallying point for dissidents and separatists. A report on new media published by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in July bluntly states: “Foreign social networking sites have become a tool for political subversion used by Western nations.”

In the U.S., too, there will be questions for Zuckerberg, from some members of Congress and the Obama administration, about all the concessions he would have to make to a country that is in the midst of blackening its already lamentable record on human rights. The recent detention of artist-dissident Ai Weiwei on suspicion of “economic crimes” has intensified scrutiny of China, at least for the moment.

Ultimately, though, I still believe Facebook China will happen because Zuckerberg wants it that badly. So must Li: Baidu has failed to find the right formula for social networking in China, while Facebook clone Renren (soon to IPO) and Twitter-Facebook hybrid Sina Weibo have been hugely popular; can be Baidu’s social solution.

Facebook and the anti-Google, teaming up, a year after Google pulled out of China. Some people in China and the U.S. wouldn’t like a Zuckerberg-Li deal, but I suspect the two men reportedly making it think it makes perfect sense.

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